


>> Rúa do Roupeiro, s/n, 36201, Vigo – Pontevedra
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Self-taught artist, he was formed through books and internet videos

Artist from Redondela, settled in Vigo. Self-taught artist, he was formed through books and internet videos. He painted since childhood, due to his ability with pencils he studied delineation but never practiced. He spent 10 years working at Citroën, until a herniated disc and successive temporary contracts led him to leave the factory and focus on his passion. He uses various techniques and materials (polychrome pencil, charcoal, pen, pastel…), but he has become well known thanks to his skill with the ballpoint pen, his casual, modern style, and his ability to capture reality until he has to approach a span of the work to verify that it is not a photo. He claims to seek maximum fidelity and a little more extra. However, he regrets that hyper-realism is not valued as much as abstract art.

  —  Instagram


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