
Nano 4814


>> Avenida Atlántida, 67 36208, Vigo – Pontevedra
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“Part of his work maintains a public character”

Artist from Vigo, (1978). The formal diversity of this artist’s work is nurtured by the different fields in which he works: from graphic design or illustration, to his street interventions or his gallery work. Part of his work maintains a public character and his interest is focused on concepts such as the role of the artist in society, his relationship with his creative activity, death in art, the figure of the artist within the city or the existential pressure of the contemporary individuals; all this camouflaged by a colorful aesthetic that hides, at first glance, transcendental themes. He is interested in ephemeral constructions both inside and outside the exhibition space and the contrast between the obsessive effort in creating a piece, even though he is previously aware of its expiration.

  —  Instagram






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