
Boa Mistura


>> Rúa gerardo Campos, 8 36207, Vigo – Pontevedra
see in google maps

“Boa Mistura are a multidisciplinary team with roots in graffiti, born at the end of 2001 in Madrid”

Boa Mistura are a multidisciplinary team with roots in graffiti, born at the end of 2001 in Madrid. The term “Boa Mistura”, comes from the Portuguese “Good Mix”, and refers to the diversity of formations and points of view of each one of them. Their work takes place mainly in the public space. They have been fortunate to carry out projects all over the world. They were 15 years old when they met, while they were painting the walls of their neighborhood. They became friends ever since. They understand their work as a tool to transform the street and create links between people.


  —  Instagram



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