
Abi Castillo


>> Rúa de Doctor Canoa, 14, 36206, Vigo – Pontevedra
see in google maps

“In her work, the female figure and the nature are always present”

Abi Castillo is an illustrator and ceramist from Vigo. She has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Vigo and a degree in artistic ceramics from the EMAO in Vigo. She works as a freelance artist having done illustrations for children’s and youth books for publishers such as Xerais and Galaxia. He has also done mural works and small artistic interventions around the city. She has been a finalist with her ceramic sculptures in Premio Auditorio de Galicia 2017 contest and awarded in the Novos Valores 2019 contest of Diputación de Pontevedra. He has also collaborated with Zara (Inditex group) in the Women in Art 2019 project with worldwide projection. In her work, the female figure and the nature are always present, and her work is directly influenced by Galician folklore and tradition with a current and renewed look where color plays a very important role.

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