


>> Rúa Palencia, 34 36205 Vigo, Pontevedra
see in google maps

“Flix intends to break the gray monotony of the city dweller and awaken
emotions that sensitize the spectator”

Flix is an urban artist that incurs into the art world by intervening urban spaces. The interventions he creates trend toward Geometric Abstraction through
diverse media such as painting and sculpture. By intervening the urban space, Flix intends to break the gray monotony of the city dweller and awaken
emotions that sensitize the spectator. For him the urban space is the main stage in which people develop their own small stories. Flix’s proposal is a
deployment of a contemporary sensibility full of dense patterns, chromatic labyrinths, robots, stencils and geometries. He is interested in generating
interventions that deffy the psyche of the expectator, arousing emotions and anxieties that show the paradoxes

  —  Instagram


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