
O Marisquiño y Pow


>> Rúa Coruña, 31 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra
see in google maps

“O Marisquiño has existed since 2001 and today it has become the largest Urban Culture and Action Sports event in southern Europe”

Powone is one of the pioneers of graffiti in Galicia. His career began in 1991in Vigo, and he has a long history behind him with multiple murals in his hometown as well as in many Galician cities and the rest of the state. Self-taught, his work travels from photography to mural directly, a process in which he feels comfortable and is handled precisely with the spray as an essential tool.
O Marisquiño has existed since 2001 and today it has become the largest Urban Culture and Action Sports event in southern Europe. A great free festival, outdoors, in the middle of August, facing the sea, that brings together more than ten sports competitions for three days as well as different cultural events such as break dance, graffiti exhibitions, live music, etc.
O Marisquiño and Pow have joined forces to create a tribute mural to the city.


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