
Ana Taratiel


>> Rúa José Gómez Posada Curros, 1, 36203 Vigo, Pontevedra ver en google maps

“She began in art as the author of graffiti and pictorial mural interventions, under the pseudonym of OVNI”

She was born in Barcelona. She began in art as the author of graffiti and pictorial mural interventions, under the pseudonym of OVNI. Her street training was parallel to her career in graphic design and training in mural techniques. Her style is pure abstraction, which is structured around 3 elements: color, geometry and a composition of a “constructive” type. Her work involves a constant exploration of forms, materials and supports. Use a huge variety of techniques. Her interest in architecture stands out: Arab mosaics, wooden constructions, puzzles, etc.

  —  Instagram


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