


>> Avda Beiramar, 115, 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra
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“Since he was little he liked to draw, he started skateboarding and got to know the world of graffiti.”

Miguel Cajaraville was born in Baiona (Pontevedra), he started in athletics when he was 4 years old, trying all disciplines, later he decided to stay with the pole because it combined acrobatics and agility. Since he was little he liked to draw, he started skateboarding and got to know the world of graffiti. He studied Fine Arts. He also paints “tattoos” on the skin. He won the Xuventude Crea 2019 contest as a muralist with his work Cor de Corral. He also won the urban art contest “II Batalla mural” organized by the City Council of Vigo, with his work “Más cara calavera”, which gives him the opportunity to participate as an artist in this year’s edition of the party wall program.



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