
Marina Capdevila


>> Avenida Madrid, 24 36204 Vigo, Pontevedra
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“Her work is based on using the resource of exaggeration to distort situations of everyday life, taking them to a more extreme point, seeking irony”

Catalan illustrator with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, ​​complements her studies at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, and with the Postgraduate in Creative Illustration at Escola Eina, Barcelona. Her work is based on using the resource of exaggeration to distort situations of everyday life, taking them to a more extreme point, seeking irony. Her town and the elderly are her great references, in addition to the contemporary illustrators she follows, such as L’Agostino Iacurci, the Dulk or Low Bros. She usually works on paper and mural, each of which conveys different connotations and it is in the mural where she finds her most personal work, letting spontaneity take center stage when presenting the illustrations.

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