
Twee Muizen


>> Tr.ª das Escolas, 9 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra
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>> Tr.ª das Escolas, 5 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra
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“Its name is due to the fact that in its gallery studio they work like mice in the back where their workshop is located, in addition to showing and selling their works”

They are an artistic duo from Santiago de Compostela who work and live in Barcelona. Formed by Denís who studied fine arts and Cris fashion design.
Twee Muizen in Dutch means two mice. Its name is due to the fact that in its gallery studio they work like mice in the back where their workshop is located, in addition to showing and selling their works. They make art toys, painting, illustration, and masks.


  —  Instagram


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