
Ana Langeheldt


>>Rúa dos Irmáns Misioneiros dos Enfermos Pobres, 12, Teis, 36207 Vigo, Pontevedra

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“Pioneer woman and reference in urban art in Spain since 2001, where she is also known as Lahe178”

She is a multidisciplinary plastic artist based in Sevilla. Pioneer woman and reference in urban art in Spain since 2001, where she is also known as Lahe178, an abbreviation of her surname of German descent. Her career as an urban artist develops parallel to her role as a plastic artist, which she developed from a very early age, graduating in Fine Arts in 2003, from the University of Seville. She has worked for brands and companies such as the Sevilla European Film Festival, Freixenet, Anaya, etc.; participated in numerous projects and exhibitions such as B-murals Barcelona, ​​Rexenerafest A Coruña, etc. Her art is a mix of styles and colors. Prefers all types of art in which physical contact with the material is essential. She currently resides and works in her studio in Sevilla.

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