
Slim Safont


>> Rúa de Nigrán, 36209 Vigo, Pontevedra

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“At the age of 12 he began to delve into the universe of urban art and painting”

Born in Barcelona and graduated in Fine Arts. At the age of 12 he began to delve into the universe of urban art and painting. His name is present both nationally and internationally. His work and his pictorial research represent the constant search for a personal and representative vision of the social aspects that he considers significant around him, through a figurative, realistic and neo-impressionist pictorial language. Muralist and painter, interested mainly in urban art and interventions in public spaces, his works are large-format paintings that use street walls as canvas. Work on topics linked to everyday life using a visual language that can generate awareness. The main themes of his work revolve around education, indoctrination and human behavior and his relationship with the figures of power that surround him.

  —  Instagram



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