
Víctor Playincolors


>> Freijeiro, 36204 Vigo, Pontevedra

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“He likes to paint on the floor and play with paint. “Play in colors” is the technique of this artist from Malaga”

ictor García is a multidisciplinary artist who dyes sports spaces and disused buildings with color. He likes to paint on the floor and play with paint. “Play in colors” is the technique of this artist from Malaga. Paint on any type of surface such as sports courts that are made of gray concrete and resemble a canvas. He studied Marketing and Public Relations, but he has been painting since he was 10 years old and graffiti has always been in his life. He has trained in Barcelona and the United States. Among his works is the Archidona silo that has filled the town with color.

  —  Instagram



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