
Roberto Argüelles


>> Rúa Costa, 4, 36213 Vigo, Pontevedra
see in google maps

“Awarded in different illustration, caricature and poster competitions”

A self-taught artist from Vigo since he was a child, he began collaborating on fanzines, personal projects, murals in stores and other commissions as an illustrator for different clients. He studied Applied Arts specialty “Graphic Design”. Then he completed his training with courses in infographics, web design, etc. After training at the School of Art, he began his first steps as a graphic designer and partner in various studies in the sector. Awarded in different illustration, caricature and poster competitions such as the Ourense Caricature Biennial, Francisco Mantecón Contest (Terras Gauda), etc … For years he has had his own project as an author. Always closely linked to the music scene, but carrying out all kinds of commissions, within the profession of graphic designer and illustrator.


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