
Vanesa Álvarez


> Av. de Castelao, 26, Coia, 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra

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“She currently teaches muralism and social justice classes in the Bronx neighborhood and completed the Project Art USA artistic residency”

She is a graphic artist from Vigo who lives and works in New York, where she carries out projects as a muralist, focused on the visibility of women through urban art. Graduated in Plastic Arts and Design. She participated in artistic and literary festivals in Vigo (Kerouac, Vigo cidade de cor), Madrid (Pintamalasaña) or New York (Casa Galicia, Instituto Cervantes), among others. She currently teaches muralism and social justice classes in the Bronx neighborhood and completed the Project Art USA artistic residency. She painted a colorful 2,200-meter canvas on the pavement of the pedestrian streets between Broadway and Union Square West that honors immigrants, mothers and Native Americans, as well as raising awareness against climate change. She confesses that she is a believer in the healing power of art and color.

  —  Instagram



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