
Pilar Alonso


>> Avenida do Fragoso, 93 36210, Vigo – Pontevedra
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“Throughout her career she has exhibited in galleries and spaces in Spain and Germany”

Pilar Alonso was born in Vigo, she graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Seville. Granted as a painter at the Paular de Segovia, she is studying postgraduate studies with a grant from the Barrié Foundation, the Städelschule in Frankfurt with the artist Per Kirkeby. Throughout her career she has exhibited in galleries and spaces in Spain and Germany such as the Kunstraum Bethanien in Berlin, the Nova Caixa Galicia Foundation in Vigo, the Benot Gallery in Cádiz, the Barbara von Stechow Gallery in Frankfurt am Main, the Ana Vilaseco Gallery de A Coruña, the Rivadavia room of the Diputación de Cádiz, the Cruz Herrera Museum in La Línea de la Concepción or El Castillo de Santa Catalina in Cádiz, among other spaces.

  —  Instagram





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