


>> Escaleras Dr cadaval, 36202 Vigo, Pontevedra
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“She has created her own visual universe full of fun and adorable characters, but with a certain mysterious undertone”

Elena González, aka ele.zissou, is a Madrid-based illustrator and muralist from a small town in Salamanca. She started as a graphic designer moving between Salamanca, Madrid, Barcelona and Berlin, until she discovered that her path was illustration, a world where she feels more comfortable and free. Inspired by nature, her childhood experiences, animated series and movies she has watched since she was a child, and other illustrators she admires, she has created her own visual universe full of fun and adorable characters, but with a certain mysterious undertone. She loves to experiment and try different supports and techniques, and it is because of this desire to try new things that she began to paint murals. She currently works as an illustrator in an animation studio without neglecting murals.

  —  Instagram


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