

Location: >> Rúa Pablo Iglesias, 20 36210, Vigo – Pontevedra ver en google maps

“Create a mix of elements, characters, shadows, lights and dimensions that are quite a visual journey.”

Aleksi Bordusov (AEC) is a Ukrainian muralist who mixes colors and figures in a very peculiar way that is usually psychedelic. Create a mix of elements, characters, shadows, lights and dimensions that are quite a visual journey. His style comes from his training as an architect and his time with the artist Waone, with whom he worked creating murals from 2005 to 2016 under the stage name of Interesni Kazki (which means interesting fairy tales in Ukrainian). Admirers of Dalí and Moebius, in their works they mix science, religion, fables, mythology, folklore and history.

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