


>> Rúa Pino, 149, 36206, Vigo – Pontevedra
see in google maps

“In 2006 she started in graffiti and urban art making interventions on the street and in abandoned spaces”

Nana (Santiago de Compostela, 1983) is a technician in artistic jewelry and an illustration technician. From a very young age, she attends artistic classes and from adolescence receives training from the painter Xurxo Martiño, experimenting with different techniques of drawing, painting and modeling. In 2006 she started in graffiti and urban art making interventions on the street and in abandoned spaces. Today she has an extensive trajectory in urban art festivals, events and exhibitions. Her colorful and organic style makes her work with a clearly feminist message personal and unmistakable. She currently works as an illustrator, art educator, and mural artist.

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