
Dúo Amazonas


>> Rúa Cantabria, 34, 36205, Vigo – Pontevedra
see in google maps

“Proposal that mixes an aesthetic and conceptualization based on feminist and decolonialist political discourses”

Duo Amazonas is a group made by Natalia Andreoli (Argentina, 1992) and Lina Castellanos (Colombia, 1990) since 2017. Andreoli has training in Scenography at the National University of Arts in Buenos Aires, and with training in different art studios of artists like Paula Bonet and Lean Frizzera. Lina Castellanos has an academic background in Visual Arts at the Javeriana University of Bogotá, with a specialization in Scenography at the National University of Arts in Buenos Aires, and a Master’s degree in Gender Studies at the Autónoma University of Madrid. With a proposal that mixes an aesthetic and conceptualization based on feminist and decolonialist political discourses, they have made murals in countries such as Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Greece, Uruguay and Greece, among others.

  —  Instagram





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