
Equipo Plástico


>> Rúa Venezuela, 22, 36203 Vigo, Pontevedra
see in google maps

“The Equipo Plástico are Nuria Mora, Nano4814, Sixe and Eltono”

The Equipo Plástico are Nuria Mora, Nano4814, Sixe and Eltono. United by mutual admiration and with the intention of taking the influence of the street further in the development of their work, they decided to formalize this union. Each of them has been working in the urban space for years and they have developed an individual artistic activity that has led them to exhibit their work in private Spanish and international galleries as well as in prestigious institutions and museums. From now on, the group abandons each individual aesthetic discourse at the service of a common concept, diluting the limits of authorship in the result.

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